#115 Jack Canfield
NY Times best selling author
Success Principles
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Jack Canfield, known as America's #1 Success Coach, is the coauthor of more than 200 books, including, The Success Principles™: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, The Success Principles Workbook, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, which includes 40 New York Times bestsellers and has sold more than 500 million copies in 47 languages around the world.
Jack is a featured teacher in the movie The Secret, and has appeared on more than a thousand radio and TV shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, the Today show, Fox & Friends, and Larry King Live. He has conducted live trainings for more than a million people in more than 50 countries around the world. He holds two Guinness World Record titles and is a member of the National Speakers Association’s Speaker Hall of Fame
Talking Points:
how his business has been changed during Covid-19 - had $750,000 of deposits taken, 89% have said keep the deposit, how he called them individually, the power of communication, having self esteem
adopting Gary Vaynerchuk's mantra, jab , jab right hook, offer lots of free products and then sell to an engaged audience
how do I pivot as a brick and mortar store, what can I still deliver? (10)
never been a fan of selling from fear - "heart sell not hard sell" - when you are in fear, your immune system goes back to fight or light from fear, fear is created by imagining an event in the future which has not happened - focus on the present moment, getting into the rest state
discussing the 5 M’s, Mindfulness, Meditating to raise your vibration, Movement, Mastery, Meaningful Communication
The power of asking, share you honest experience, “people are looking for a guide by the side not a sage from the stage” , sharing a Chicken Soup Moment - ask like a kid
the combination of success - Universal principles
The Billionaire Secret - Raphael Badziag, all meditated and exercised - energy, hour of power in morning, discussing his hour of power, the different impact between live coaching and recorded video (28)
some of the most beautiful people on the planet never get asked out because of the fear of rejection - being turned down by 144 publishers
Heartmath - Coherence Process - breath work, energy into your heart, loving kindness meditation - the author of The Secret, Quick Coherence Technique, ask the question which is troubling you
discussing EFT Universe, tapping and Dawson Church
working with Dr Pankaj Naram - Ayurvedic healing centre, your body knows what to do, - our beliefs unresolved trauma, when we release all that, become a natural healer to yourself (41)
discussing the power of forgiveness - (43)
The Mirror Exercise - acknowledge yourself for acknowledging yourself, and end by saying I love You, (45)
visualising and manifest, what would you feel and what would be hearing - (48)
working with Master ChunLi Yin - Qi Qong master
Your life is run by your conversations - - as a writer I come from my head, and then I start to channel, the character comes alive as you tune into that higher source - affirmations, visualisations manifestations, having your Daily Review (53)
“I also get deeper when I journal than when I think” Jack Canfield
Dr Joe Dispenza - spend more time working on the being world than the doing world
“without awareness there is no chance of changing your behaviour” and taking the risk to change (57)
you have to be willing to be uncomfortable, you have to push trough the discomfort long enough for the uncomfortable to be comfortable
discussing limiting beliefs - those beliefs are developed between 3-8 yo, living as an adult through the eyes of a 6yo
free limiting beliefs training jackcanfield.com or the success principles workbook.com, Success Principles Masterclass free training -
discussing Accountability, - Passion, Purpose and Mission,
discussing mentoring Tim Ferris and the 4 Hour Work Week, how he took a job in Silicon Valley to learn, that was his mission, the 3 logical steps to finding your passion
Canfield Success Trainer, Train the Trainer ‘ - “your have everything you need to do anything you want” if you feel it in your heart or are drawn to just do it"
To contact Jack click on the links below:

Ed Andrew is the host of Human Impact. Initially a lawyer in London Ed has for the past 20 years been a global entrepreneur. He battled prostate cancer at 42 and is now one of the world's leading career coaches and life strategists helping people learn how to thrive at home and work.
“One of the great joys of a podcast is that people realise there are other people like them and at least once a week or once a day to do something out of the ordinary so that their life can have a new horizon - and that is what your program does"
“Great podcast host! Prepared well for our conversation and asked relevant and interesting questions. Our conversation flowed very well. Highly recommended"
“I had the honor of going on the Ed Andrew's podcast, as well as interviewing him on the Humans 2.0 podcast. Ed has the ability to penetrate an individual's perceptual apparatus to give them a glimpse of who THEY REALLY ARE which is a 21st-century superpower. I highly recommend checking out Ed's show and his consulting services"
“I have been interviewed on a number of podcasts recently and been intrigued by the different approaches the interviewers take. Some view it as a conversation, others an interrogation. This interview with Ed Andrew was definitely one of the more enjoyable ones!"
“I so appreciate you kind words and support, Ed. Your podcast taught both of my parents new things about me just by listening. Thanks for making it happen"
“You really held space and created a safe and open environment for me to share a vulnerable part of my path. I'm forever grateful for this and your friendship Ed. Cheers to slowing down and asking ourselves some powerful reflective questions."