#111 Josh Felber
2 x Emmy Winner, host Making Bank
co-founder Primal Life Organics
Josh Felber is a podcast personality hosting top 20 show Making Bank, Emmy award winner of The Visioneer, The Peter Diamandis story, Inc. 5000™ winner, best selling author an co-author with Brian Tracy, contributor to Forbes magazine, loving husband, father of three, serial entrepreneur, tv producer, featured in television & movies and more Josh Felber is the definition of a busy entrepreneur!
Josh also runs the paleo driven skin care and wellness brand Primal Life Organics with his wife.
Josh and Ed Andrew talk about pivoting your business, how to recover after a failed project, removing your own identity from your business, Organic food and wellness, and how to amplify your brand message by being omnipresent. We also talk about the benefits of home schooling and demystifying socialisation.
Talking Points:
starting his business journey, and separating what he creates whether it fails or not, it is not me personally
advice on recovering from losing a business “we can only focus on the thing which we can control which is ourself” (6)
setting up Primal Life Organics with his wife and pivoting - making hand sanitiser, converting bug spray to hand sanitiser - creating 3 new products, "pivoting quickly, tripled our sales - it is not how do I save and protect what I am doing, it is how do I pivot to the focus of where the market is right now, how to help people”
genesis of Primal Life Organics - looking at skin care and his wife's miscarriage and what is good for you, she is a nurse, and discussing paleo skin care
discussing organics and organic certification, price gap is changing, visiting Walmart and how they are closing the price gap (16)
talking about his podcast Making bank, creating 200-250 pieces of content through all our platform per week, and his podcast agency Impact Podcast, we do end to end, Apple Tv, Amazon Fire, Alexa (19)
“you have to amplify to what you are doing, be omnipresent”, 21
sharing his podcast and video tools and having the right kit (29)
how he prefers video to audio even for his podcast, taking 16 minutes of a 28 minute episode on youtube
talking about home schooling - Montessori, switched to Monarch, online Christian school, kidpreneur online course, clickfunnels, teaching his chidren about all aspects of life and work, through these online courses, learning about money, Robert Kiyosaki, listen to audio books, - all his children have their own business, taking them to masterminds, rapping with Chris Record
on co-authoring books with Brian Tracy, has his own book finished draft done (47)
"when you look back at H1Ni it was probably worse but we did not have social media with its speed as we do now
how life will change after Covid-19 (51)
To contact Josh click on the links below:

Ed Andrew is the host of Human Impact. Initially a lawyer in London Ed has for the past 20 years been a global entrepreneur. He battled prostate cancer at 42 and is now one of the world's leading career coaches and life strategists helping people learn how to thrive at home and work.
“One of the great joys of a podcast is that people realise there are other people like them and at least once a week or once a day to do something out of the ordinary so that their life can have a new horizon - and that is what your program does"
“Great podcast host! Prepared well for our conversation and asked relevant and interesting questions. Our conversation flowed very well. Highly recommended"
“I had the honor of going on the Ed Andrew's podcast, as well as interviewing him on the Humans 2.0 podcast. Ed has the ability to penetrate an individual's perceptual apparatus to give them a glimpse of who THEY REALLY ARE which is a 21st-century superpower. I highly recommend checking out Ed's show and his consulting services"
“I have been interviewed on a number of podcasts recently and been intrigued by the different approaches the interviewers take. Some view it as a conversation, others an interrogation. This interview with Ed Andrew was definitely one of the more enjoyable ones!"
“I so appreciate you kind words and support, Ed. Your podcast taught both of my parents new things about me just by listening. Thanks for making it happen"
“You really held space and created a safe and open environment for me to share a vulnerable part of my path. I'm forever grateful for this and your friendship Ed. Cheers to slowing down and asking ourselves some powerful reflective questions."