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#100 Dotsie Bausch

Plant powered Olympian, founder Switch4Good  

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After conquering habits and addictions that nearly took her life, Dotsie Bausch rode onto the 2012 Olympic podium as the oldest athlete in history in her cycling discipline, a remarkable feat powered by her plant-based diet. Now retired from competition, she pours her passion into compassionate missions to change and save lives.


Dotsie is the founder of Switch4Good and won eight US national championships, two Pan American gold medals and a world record, she has become a powerful influencer for plant-based eating for athletes and non-athletes alike. Named by VegNews in 2019 as one of the top 20 most influential vegans in the world, and one of the stars of Game Changers Movie.

Her popular TEDx Talk, “Olympic Level Compassion,” has garnered over 275,000 views and has been a catalyst of change for thousands of people.


Talking Points


  • talking about her photo shoot in Los Angeles for Switch4Good with 9 of world's top athletes 


  • discussing switching to a plant based diet while training for the Olympics, how Dairy Board is one of the main sponsors of US Olympic Committee - "you may lose your shot at going to the Olympics" 


  • how awareness of plant based diets and removing dairy has made massive strides since the London Olympics of 2012 


  • plant based and vegan menus in mainstream restaurants 


  • her mission and goal 'to embolden and educate every day active people to take charge of their health and performance via eliminating diary' - discussing moving away from the angry movement 


  • the scientific link between dairy and hormonal cancers - (15)


  • "65% of world's population cannot digest lactose in cows milk, 76% of people with Latino descent cannot - discussing removing dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 


  • explaining the data that is telling is people moving from dairy to plant based, plant based milk alternatives grew 80% while dairy producers are going bankrupt 


  • how to make make the transition to a plant baed diet "cut yourself some slack and enjoy it" - (22)


  • discussing air fryers and diet, dairy free batter, a mini cooking lesson with Ed and Dotsie 


  • where plant based diets go wrong and how to correct that - good planning - good variety, lots of micro nutrients, there are 40,000 different plants you can eat, buy in season and try something new every week, and start adding in (26)


  • discussing organic farming -  and why is there less talk about - "it is a massive overwhelming problem that most people cannot control" (27)


  • her training diet and the 24 hours before the Olympic finals - you don’t want to feel hungry when you go to the line (36)


  • the fight zone, an alternate universe, "not to overthink the magnetite of what is going to happen, you can drain yourself so severely that 20 seconds before that you have nothing for the race, you deserve to clip in and go shine" (38)


  • her addiction to cocaine, and developing an eating disorder at College, "realised in my internship that the news was not what I thought it was", working in journalism and developing a social conscience, she did not know want to do with life and started to assert control over her food intake - (46)


  • 40% of eating disorders come from childhood trauma and 30% of those are sexual abuse, having hatred and fear of their own body, - an eating disorder is just the individual acting out on their pain and it can can be anything (48) 


  • her eating disorder has nothing to do with the food, just wanted to numb out the pain and deal with self loathing, supporting those families and sufferers (51) 


  • the accidental Olympian - mobility and starting to heal, we need more research on journey of athletes recovering from eating disorders - (55)


  • her PR agent and friend Rick Scott   


  • moving on from being an angry activist to being influential and making a deal difference - always the way in is with love as screaming and shaking people is not effective 


  • Ed and Dotsie discuss their omnivore past, being transparent and not being a hypocrite - "it took me 35 years to realise if I really love animals then maybe that I should not eat them" (63)


  • her future and Switch4Good, she is still an activist, 


  • starring in Gamechangers movie - discussing the biggest impact turning the lightbulb on for a plant based diet and planetary responsibility - science and the real truth and the human element, connecting with stories - busting up myths 


To contact Dotsie click on the following social links







  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn - Black Circle

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Ed Andrew is the host of Human Impact. Initially a lawyer in London Ed has for the past 20 years been a global entrepreneur. He battled prostate cancer at 42 and is now one of the world's leading career coaches and life strategists helping people learn how to thrive at home and work. 


“One of the great joys of a podcast is that people realise there are other people like them and at least once a week or once a day to do something out of the ordinary so that their life can have a new horizon - and that is what your program does"


“Great podcast host! Prepared well for our conversation and asked relevant and interesting questions. Our conversation flowed very well. Highly recommended"


“I had the honor of going on the Ed Andrew's podcast, as well as interviewing him on the Humans 2.0 podcast. Ed has the ability to penetrate an individual's perceptual apparatus to give them a glimpse of who THEY REALLY ARE which is a 21st-century superpower. I highly recommend checking out Ed's show and his consulting services"


“I have been interviewed on a number of podcasts recently and been intrigued by the different approaches the interviewers take. Some view it as a conversation, others an interrogation. This interview with Ed Andrew was definitely one of the more enjoyable ones!"


“I so appreciate you kind words and support, Ed. Your podcast taught both of my parents new things about me just by listening. Thanks for making it happen"


“You really held space and created a safe and open environment for me to share a vulnerable part of my path. I'm forever grateful for this and your friendship Ed. Cheers to slowing down and asking ourselves some powerful reflective questions."


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